I think you do very well to remember how someone will contact you and when and why. I am absolutely sure that out of what seems like eleventy billion service providers, banks, insurances, online accounts they have ALL told me when, how and why they will contact me and I cant remember one of them. And this is what these fraudsters rely upon. As long as they can make their site look reasonable, small details can easily be overlooked. It says "tvlicencing" in the title so it must be OK. So we think that it is what it says it is. It's only if you are alert to the possibility of a scam that you dont follow links or type in details and question it.
This is similar to the fake policeman, fake gasman, fake utility man etc who are so successful at preying on the elderly. He looks like a policeman, he says he is a policeman, therefore he is a policeman.
People are slowly getting the message but there are some who are still good targets. The trouble is the more people who get the message, the more sophisticated they will make their scams.