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Bones & Body Parts

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Bommer_50 | 20:59 Sun 13th Jan 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
19 Answers
Answers are all bones, body parts and other things associated with the body. No letter counts given.

1 Go back in to show that I'm over him!
2 Beginning grade
3 Missing the first beat!
4 Puke bile as everyone is half‐cut!
5 Intimate ‐ turn over in the middle
6 Take half of them from delivery ‐ then return!

Thanks in advance for any help
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4. Pubis PU(ke) + BI(le) + (a)S all are half cut
00:22 Mon 14th Jan 2019
6 has liver in it but i can't parse it
4 Gall bladder?
6 Rib
Delivery = birth
take TH away (half of "them") = bir
reverse = Rib
5 Spine
Intimate as in the sense of to hint at or snipe
Snipe with the middle letters turned over = spine
4. Pubis
PU(ke) + BI(le) + (a)S
all are half cut
Question Author
Many thanks F-F, cashier & jj for all the suggestions just three to go
1 Go back in to show that I'm over him!
2 Beginning grade
3 Missing the first beat!
3 (w)hip?
1) Vomer - hidden in clue
2 iffy ..primary bone?
1 Vomit (not vomer) is backwards in the clue
tha(T I'M OV)er him
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Many thanks again.

I have found one more to do

Goes in with fancy to do some right away!
1 Vomit ? (Reversed in clue)
Infancy ?
^^ forget that!
Hi Bommer_50, I am also doing this quiz. The answer I have for 'Begining grade' is Birthmark. Do you have an answer for 'Principal tails pair'. If I can get that one then I'm the same as you, I only need no. 60.
I would say that is HEAD
Head = principal (school)
Head and Tails
Head is the "pair" of tails
Question Author
Hi Chloe
I agree with jj's explanation - head
Double meaning of the word.
Ah- VOMIT is good then if the theme extends to that. I'd wondered about Liver (O liver- the show, over o +liver)
Head it is. I've now finished the quiz. Thanks to everyone for your help.

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