I wonder if anyone saw the painting that suggested how the four Beatles would look, probably by now, i.e. aged, and knows where an image can be found. I thought it might have been a Norman Rockwell work but I can find no trace of it on the internet - my recollection is that when I saw it it might have been published in a magazine sometime between 1964 and 1967. Any suggestions ?
Yes, tonyav and Mamyalynne, I think that might be it although in my mind's eye it was in colour - but we are talking about 50 years ago...... Thank you both
Karl, might you have seen it in the illustrations of Allan Aldridge’s ‘The Beatles Ihttps://www.google.co.uk/search?q=the+beatles+illustrated+lyrics+allan+skdridge&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiMvueapYHgAhX0pnEKHXA8AbwQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=the+beatles+illustrated+lyrics+allan+skdridge&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3..30i10.94670.112876..113352...0.0..3.381.6621.16j30j3j2......0....1.........0j0i67j0i8i30j0i24j0i30.vXIWJpipdgk&ei=L_9GXMzqO_TNxgPw-ITgCw&bih=537&biw=375&client=safari&prmd=isvn&hl=en-gbllustrated Lyrics’ ?
Once you know who the artist is (as above) there are many references to it on the net.
//This drawing appeared in Hunter Davies’ 1968 authorized biography The Beatles. I’m not sure why John Lennon was imagined as William Howard Taft, though? It’s perplexing. I thought the walrus was Paul?//