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weecalf | 23:39 Thu 24th Jan 2019 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
A packet of crisps has 16 g which equates to 5 crisps and some broken bits in the bag which measures 15cm by 14 cm which means I’d say the bag would be more filling .


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Buy a bigger nag.
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What do you mean like to eat the crisps ?
Don't buy the 16g bags, buy bigger ones.
oops sorry missed my own typo
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Thought I had they were in a multi pack .
If they are below the weight stated, contact the maker.
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Have them eat
I can beat that, Weecalf.
I once found a bag of crisps in a multipack that had NO crisps in it at all!
It was all puffed up with air, like they are, but when I opened it, it was empty.
To be honest, I did find it a bit amusing, but I contacted the makers, (can't remember who they were), and they did send me a voucher, although I got the impression they thought I was making a fuss over nothing!
That made me laugh, Pyxis.
Well technically you were.... They will be marketing those packets as calorie free and charging extra.
Do eat the bag, given the state of the sea around here and its impact on wild and marine life, the bag will stay in you longer than the crisps.
rowanwitch QUOTE
Well technically you were.... They will be marketing those packets as calorie free and charging extra.

Yes, I did think that they'd missed a marketing opportunity for calorie-free crisps! :-D
A pringles can never lies. Remember that.

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