Hollberry, my heart goes out to you and I'm pleased you haven't let the bullies win by giving up on getting yourself an education.
Looks like vehelpfulguy has given you some good information, so I'd just like to add, don't feel shy about going to colleges and learning centres for help. More than anything, local centres are geared up for people just like you who have missed out on education and want to have another go at it (actually, larger colleges often have community-based satellite centres, so you don't even have to go to the 'big' place).
You could also give Learndirect a call. They have specialist advisers in all sorts of areas and could most likely point you to something/somewhere in your area:
I used to tutor adult learners in basic communication and IT skills and never failed to be amazed at their levels of commitment and enthusiasm. They were a joy to teach and usually had skills of their own that I couldn't hope to match.
I well remember one lady who, when we were writing CVs, told she had no experience or qualifications to put on one. When we got further into the exercise it turned out she had been a professional singer for several years, ran her own dress agency and had been sole carer to her elderly father. I could never have done any of that.