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Jordyboy9 | 18:22 Fri 15th Feb 2019 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Just a thought as things seem a bit quiet on here at the moment,
Nothing to do with moderators,others posts or moaning,
So here goes,when answering someone on here is it not ridiculous to take a dislike to them just by the answer they give,different if it was face to face but posting on a site like this ,must have a word with myself regarding this,so how can you take a dislike to people you have never met and not likely to do so?


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I think that the way you take things is a result of what mood you're in at the time. Sometimes you can laugh it off and respond, humorously, sometimes you can take umbrage and decide that you don't like that person.
18:43 Fri 15th Feb 2019
I think that the way you take things is a result of what mood you're in at the time.
Sometimes you can laugh it off and respond, humorously, sometimes you can take umbrage and decide that you don't like that person.
well people dislike politicians and slebs they have never met......and I certainly think its possible and reasonable to take dislike to people based on their opinions whether or not you have met them.
Of course it's ridiculous to take a dislike to them just by the answer they give, you plonker.
I think of everyone on here as real people - and I've taken a dislike to everyone who has said things to me over the years that no real person would in real life. Narrow minded but that's the way I am.
I dislike peoples views but I don't actually dislike the person posting. I do try my hardest to keep any disagreement within a thread and not carry it over to another one.
Jordy ignorance is a crying shame and some people are just to ignorant to help xx
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I don’t dislike anyone. I don’t think about those I have no time for.

Carrying arguments over from thread to thread or ganging up is just spiteful.
Words are cold way of communicating. No feeling or emotion. No personal contact, so people don't REALLY know the poster. In lots of cases, they think they do. Also in lots of cases, people think they know things about items in the news because they've seen them on TV, in the papers, on the internet or heard it on the radio and while everyone has an opinion about most things, it doesn't mean they know anything about it. When posting an opinion on this site, prepared to be called silly names if it doesn't conform to what others are saying. After all, the others are right aren't they? Well, they'll tell you they are.
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When I have a word with myself I say are all Australians thick? If they can understand Kevin bloody Wilson why do they have difficulty understanding me? I suppose if I had only Foster lager to drink it would fuddle my brain.
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Best answer Tilly2 makes a lot of sense, are you well?
It's been my experience of absolutely every single human I have ever come into contact with, that I can't possibly agree with everything they think or say (even people I love deeply), so it carries over that the same must be true of online friends and acquaintances, but even those I disagree with very often have good points so I dislike very few PEOPLE but quite a degree of some people's opinions.

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