Local church quiz, I'm afraid I was given this one so I can't advise on where to get more. All answers are Plants, Trees & Things in the Shed.
7. Two Middles (8)
20 Is this a Heavenly flyer (5,2,8)
37 Does this frighten you? (6,5)
38 In Gandhi's golfers (anag) (6,7,3)
40 A place of disgrace (6) (one suggestion is kennel - but do you find one in a shed??)
41 Overheated electrics (11)
It just says hand in at Penrith Methodist church by 31st March but it doesn't give an address or anything .... I am giving mine back to the friend who gave it to me
37 I think spirit level is a better answer, more likely to be found in the shed/garden area than a corpse plant. Spirits (ghosts) frighten a lot of people.