Summed to a tee yet again 4getmenot! lol
I think the reason he is picking more arguments is that now the numbers are dwindling, there aren't as many people to pick fights on each other. Before he would sit in the background watching them argue amongst themselves, now it isn't happening (everyone actually seems to get on ok with each other) and his own frustrations at this are shining through (he liked others having the arguements to do his dirty work for him so he wouldn't be seen in a bad light then wouldn't get nominated), hence the arguements he is causing out of nothing that usually others like Grace (she would have been the first to blame Jennie for being seen as the last one drinking the wine, so therefore being the main culprit)
He tells Jennie to shut her mouth, then doesn't like it when she tells him to shut up! The stupid ****!!!!!!
He's a sexiest egoTESTICAL burk!