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The Risk Of Racist Accustaions.

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Theland | 01:18 Tue 12th Feb 2019 | Society & Culture
130 Answers
A genuine question. I am not a racist, but feel the necessity to display my credentials.
My Sudanese daughter in law is now three days overdue with my ninth grandchild.
So to the heart of the question.
Western European culture has given the world football, cricket, rugby, great classical music, great art, plays, world dominating pop culture, fashion, democracy, inventions, scientific advancement etc etc etc to name but a tiny few.

So what has Africa contributed to human advancement?


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Again, you don't have to meet with my approval Theland, every person is only answerable ultimately to their own conscience, I just could not be such a floundering hypocrite as you to profess to being a staunch christian yet act in so unchristian a manner- and for the record I've never 'taken a Somalian asylum seeker into my bed either'.
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Off to bed myself. Hope he doesn't hog the middle!
^ Now that's either touché or touchy ^ :-)
Theland - // And now our country is being overwhelmed by Africans immigrating, and I doubt that apart from the music scene, and knife crime, they have little to offer. //

You began your post with "I'm not a racist …"

Maybe you should study the section of the post I have highlighted - you may want to re-appraise your position in regard to being a racist.
Actually, anyone who needs to point out to strangers that he is 'not a racist' clearly cares far too much about what others think, combined with the fact that his following posts utterly deny that viewpoint.

Theland, I have never said "I am not a racist …" because anyone on here who knows me at all, knows that full well, I don't need to point it out.

But given your subsequent posts, I can quite understand your preoccupation with being considered a racist - you really do have something to worry about!
Theland - to sum up your evidence that you are 'not a racist' -

// Then I look forward to the next rubber dinghy arriving on our shores, full of doctors, architects, scientists, and of course, BBC reporters.

Maybe being such peaceful people they will let me live here, and not throw me out as they are doing with the white farmers in South Africa. //

// Both of you - I don't much care what Africans are capable of, just let them do it in Africa. //
// Oh that s it!
You have all convinced me!
I am a horrible person, and need to open my home to asylum seekers, and send mor money to the folk who support them.
I am so sorry for not previously being like you!
I shall make you all proud! //

// Like as insulting as you can be. Well done. Feel better? //

// I and my family have always lived our lives according to the law, and Protestant Christian tradition.

You would love us as next door neighbours. //

// Our Capital City a majority of immigrants, our NHS burdened with them, Education burdened with them, housing burdened with them, and our own people suffering all kinds of shortages in benefits and services.
Increase crime, as in France, Belgium, Sweden and Germany, Black on Black shootings and stabbings in London, and the Muslim takeover of so many towns. //

// We want doctors, scientists, engineers, entrenpeneurs et etc.
But more curry cooks? More illiterate innumerate crop packers?
More benefit pickers?
Get real! //

// You really are Po Faced. //

Ironically, it is you who is po-faced!

Yet again you turn up with your intolerent anti-social views, and then you turn thin-skinned and peevish when people take issue with you about them.

You constantly bang on about how 'Christian' you are, and the dismantle that notion with your narrow-minded intolerent and deeply un-Christian statements.

I for one would not love you as a next door neighbour!

I have to say though, in one aspect of your character, as evidenced on here in general, and in this thread in particular, you do appear to be well-balanced - you have a chip on both shoulders!
Eeeeooow! A bit creepy.
He is a troll magnet though.
-- answer removed --
Can anyone explain how ancient African civilisations are still surviving yet I constantly see appeals on UK TV for donations to obtain fresh drinking water? Are they unable to resource water from underground after all these years without Western aid?

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