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Oh Dear I Am Wrong Again

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Jordyboy9 | 07:28 Sat 23rd Feb 2019 | News
16 Answers
It’s becoming a habit with my predictions.
I predicted the royal baby would be born about now
Some one on here can’t remember who agreed with me.
Just shows how right some are on here who say I spout a load of rubbish ,
So this royal baby should be about 7th in line to the throne .
Just wonder what Nicholas thinks regarding royalty will we dump them when we get independence?


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Wot royal baby?
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Meghan and Harry’s I predicted it would be here by now.
Hopefully not. I’m a total Nat , but the queen is braw
Your crystal balls need dusting off Jordy.
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Steg did you say nat or nut?(better put joking as you have not been very nice to me)1ozzy you are right my colonial cousin my balls could do with a light dusting maybe gness after she has finished patting sqads bum
Would oblige.
It’s odd because I’ve read many stories which say she is actually huge considering she isn’t apparently due till May (I don’t know if that’s true).
Aye Nat or nut will do, as long as I’m no a Yoon
oh dear wrong again

have you tried your hand at biblical prophecy ?
and this thing they call typology ( going thro the OT and saying o yeah this is a pre-quel to an event in the NT)

[like saying - susanna and the elders ( Daniel ) is a pre-quel to the meeting of christ and pontius pilate (NT)etc )
does it really matter when it's born? I bet there are hundreds of thousands of babies whose parents try to give it some faux respectability by marrying when they find out about its existence (i presume that's what you're alluding to)
anyone who thinks they waited till their wedding night is just crazy
What has Nicholas Parsons got to do with it?
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Bed nobs how the hell do you know what I was alluding to? I made a prediction that it would be a February baby if she keeps gadding about like she does nothing sinister in that
I think she is due in April, and there a loads of people out there that were convinced she was preggars when she married.
There were quite a few nasty comments on here towards her - pretty disgusting really!
oh sorry jordy, i must have genuinely misunderstood you - i assumed that it was a subtle criticism (ie that she was pg when they married and that there is something wrong with that)
Yes Rose think baby birth is predicted for mid / end April.
I wish people wouldnt call babies 'it'

I cringe even more when Shameem of Syria says it as I think it represents her different world view (bombs, rifles and paradise), compared to mine (meadows, sunshine, and my little pony)
subtle criticism on AB! - Oh Lor' !

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