Closing date approaching,help needed please. 20. May perhaps wearing often-being catty!(6&5). 26. I hear about the error James made (7). 31. Tiresome military wear (8). 32. Jacket and cigar for a lord(8). 36. Operationally dressed- but not for prison.(6). 37. Scuttle duck for split apparel. (8). 38. Head for a rambling road with iron at the outset. (6). Many Thanks in advance. Eric.
Many Thanks for your help so far,here are the last four. 40. Bernard or Martin left to shoulder this.(5). 46. Horses and donkeys combine. (5). 48. All fingers and thumbs? Often just thumbs.(7). 50. It's the end so this will wrap up. (6). Many Thanks again. Eric.