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Where Does It Go And Can It Be Retrieved?

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Stargazer | 01:42 Mon 25th Feb 2019 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
on several occasions after spending ages typing and correcting typos, my "answer" just vanishes and I don't know how to recover it. Using the backwards arrow does not do it. Help anyone!


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Are you using a laptop?
Question Author
yes a laptop.
Can happen if you leave your answer midway through to go and google for something to add a link to your answer.
Happens to me as well. I think I accidentally hit something on the touch pad.
Question Author
No, I do not do that or I would not be surprised at it vanishing. I always use my laptop in bed after midnight usually and this just seems to have a life of its own. It is a new Asus machine and often seems to get larger and larger print without me doing anything and also suddenly the page will become tiny amongst other thigs.
Yep...the happens to me too.
Question Author
but can anyone say how to recover it as it must be somewhere as it has not been deleted my me.
I don't think you can.
This was the reason for my simple question post on Saturday,
I had almost finished my reply regarding Andy Hughes reply to Thelland when it vanished,
I asked nicely for an explanation and all I got was a lot of smart ass replies
Seems to happen to us all. Blooming tech ! Major life stress. Best type elsewhere then copy & paste; but I can rarely be bothered by that. Alternatively, whilst spending half hour correcting that which you didn't type, maybe occasionally select all, and hold in the paste buffer ?
I've had this happen numerous times on my iPad. First off make sure you're signed in...I haven't at times, typed answer or question go to sign in and answer disappears.

Anyway....I now always type in a document or notepad and copy and paste. It's so frustrating to lose what you've typed so I ensure I do the copy and paste. As to how you would retrieve your lost answer/question I have never been able to so unsure if you can.
When my answers “disappear” it’s either because my connection has dropped after trying to post, or I’ve accidentally touched something (often “report post” it seems, which is odd). In the latter case the back arrow works. But if your answer has somehow got submitted yet not posted then unless you’ve taken the precaution to copy it first then I’m afraid it’s gone for good.

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