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Is London's Mayor Sadiq Khan Showing Discrimination Towards Black, Asian And Other Minority Ethnics Cab Drivers?

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anotheoldgit | 09:15 Fri 01st Mar 2019 | News
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simple economics should eliminate this extra charge and reduce the congestion
if the prices went up and the passengers reduce then the number of uber drivers would have to reduce to make it economically viable
people who need a taxi will pay the extra or walk or take the bus/tube
but no way is this racist
Don’t think so, if you were a ‘white Anglo Saxon from any where in Britain ’ Uber driver you would still have to pay the charge
Why is the charge not being imposed on black cabs?
Corby //Avatar Image THECORBYLOON Why is the charge not being imposed on black cabs?//
Maybe this is why :-
Since 1 January 2018, taxis presented for licensing for the first time have needed to be ZEC. This means having CO2 emissions of no more than 50g/km and a minimum 30 mile zero emission range
First-time taxi vehicle licences are no longer granted to diesel taxis. ZEC taxis with petrol engines need to meet the latest emissions standard (currently Euro 6)
If Uber sets the rates for fares, maybe, to keep the service viable, they'd like to pick up the bill for congestion charge expenses ?
Not at all. 6% of Private Hire drivers are white and are included in the charge.

And they are not being discriminated against because of their ethnicity/colour, but because their vehicles are polluting and the whole point of the Congestion Charge is to cut down traffic numbers coming into London, and punish dirtier vehicles.

I can’t see this going to Court, they are just making an angry noise because they begrudge paying the charge.

Well, that was easy.
Just think how they will feel about the pollution charge!!

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Is London's Mayor Sadiq Khan Showing Discrimination Towards Black, Asian And Other Minority Ethnics Cab Drivers?

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