I have got a lot of respect for organ donors. Those guys really put their heart into it.
I got the bearded dragon a new tank today. My partner isn’t happy though, he doesn’t think it is an appropriate place for his mother.
My partner described our relationship like being stuck in a prison. Him and his Strangeways.
I used to love watching old war movies as a child but that is a thing of the past.
I love crosswords. Angry is my favourite
A friend of mine suddenly announced she had been taking Judo lessons. Totally threw me.
My partner spends so much time shopping online, I am beginning to think our wedding vows were “to love, honour and eBay.”
I got arrested for fly tipping this morning, I gave a Bluebottle fifty pounds.
I received a wedding invitation today. On the back it read: ‘Please write the amount of guests attending and post back’ I am not usually good at this sort of thing, but I went for 120.
I love the three types of radiation. I like alpha and gamma but I prefer the other type, I think it is beta.