random question about money in The AnswerBank: Business & Finance
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random question about money

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Dan Glebitts | 22:46 Sat 22nd Jul 2006 | Business & Finance
12 Answers
this may seem random but i just wanted to ask, when you look in your wallet/purse or wherever you keep your money in, whats the most common note that you have, if i ever have any money (very rarely i might add) i usually have more twenties than anything else and lots of change....only once had a fifty and that was when withdrawing from ATM. So, what do you have most of in your wad of cash? fivers, tenners, twenties or fifties? or just tons of change and some cheques? or do you only use a credit card for that matter? dont ask why i ask this, just a random urge.....:-)
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always 20's for me dan?

its not worth having tenners on ya nowadays is it? and around our neck of the woods you cant use 50's?
Hi Dan....just went to have a look in my purse after reading your question and found a Ten Bob Note.....shows you how often I open my purse ;-)
gone are the days when I'd be pleasantly surprised by finding money not accounted for, or freshly laundered five pound notes in the back pockets of jeans. My wages go straight in the bank and used for DD's. Tell you what, I'll ask Mrs Booldawg she 'holds the cash' !
I tend to just have change in there, on the odd occasion I may be feeling flush and have a fiver in there. I'm not sure I even know what a �20 note looks like.
what's money?
Usually tenners...since cash machines often dispense in multiples of ten.
Tenners - I try not to carry cash around unless I've imminent plans to spend it. "Extra" money in my wallet would soon disappear on some totally useless piece of kak that catches my eye.
i find that unless i ask fir 10 or an amount that is not a multiple of 20 then the cash point dispenses 20s nd that is what i have.
At the moment it's empty. Usually a few fivers and the odd ten, never very much. I use a CC for anything over say a fiver and pay it all off each month. I always ask for small notes when I get cash. As I control a till at work it's not difficult to arrange.
Twenties. As a teenager, over sixty years ago, I always carried �100 in my back pocket in case I came across a bargain - usually a car or a motor bike, but sometimes a boat. Just like today, nothing talked like cash.

You don't get much for �100 today, but the habit stuck.
usually �10 as that's the lowest denomination the bank offer. Other than that it's usually coins and my cards.

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