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Supermarket Smoked Bacon?

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nicebloke1 | 14:23 Sun 24th Mar 2019 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Well the supermarket knows what it should look like, but not a clue what it should taste like, and have never seen a proper smoke house. Today your so called smoked bacon is sprayed with a man made flavoured chemical colouring, this this in turn will bubble and mix along with the creamy slop upon frying. The first 5/6mins of cooking will see your bacon boil in this slop until evaporated.


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I see the brain dead still walk amongst us.
I reported it Baldric. The 'pure stupidity' reason seemed appropriate
^ I was referring of course to the 20:21 post, not yours!
Whoops! Prefects!
I wouldn't report it. I just laugh at it...not with it.

Bless him.
I dry fry my supermarket bacon and it doesn’t take 5-6 minutes to cook it doesn’t boil eit
I grill mine. It still contains crap though (nitrites and nitrates) which I think is the OP's point.
You're getting rasher and rasher with your assumptions about what we do and don't buy from the supermarket :/
20.31, Oh dear poor little F/F has now been brain washed ,poor little thing , he can not think for himself. OK.
Take that back.
Back for Good ? ♫

Well, I think that his threads are a cut above all those offal Brexit ones.
Crispy of course.

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Supermarket Smoked Bacon?

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