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hc....totally agree with you, however they claim it's been going on for 4 years. So, if they knew 4 years ago why did they let it carry on? Why did they not get social services in when they say they categorically KNEW she had been abusing him?? I mean, would you let something go on and one and not do anything if you knew it was wrong?
Our take on that is, if someone is caring and hating what they KNOW is wrong, how can you leave it to continue.
When the children asked them to go their houses for BBQ or to stay the weekend...rare but it happened, why did they not say anything, why if it was SO wrong to see their father abused....why did they not do something but leave it until now when it could be likely he might die....seems very strange to me. Have they just realised things aren't good for him healthwise and have come up with a "cunning plan"....hmm the mind boggles.