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Paint On Door

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mallyh | 12:29 Thu 28th Mar 2019 | Home & Garden
7 Answers
my daughters lives next to a house that is let by the room, the landlord got someone to paint the front of house unfortunately they have splashed paint all over her new composite door and pathway .she has written to him (he was a neighbour of hers till his divorce ) .she hasn't heard back .now a for sale sign has gone up .does anyone know how to remove the paint as she isn't getting any joy from him .


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There are a couple of products used in the motor trade for gently removing paint and restoring paintwork.

Most likely, "T-Cut" will do the job.
For anything really stubborn, then a slightly more abrasive "Cutting Compound" should do it.

Easily obtained, try Halfords.
I forgot the path. Paint remover such as "Nitromors."
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thankyou for your reply ,because it's a composite door and cost quite a bit we didn't want to attempt anything . x
Can't pick it off with your fingernail then ?

The path should be robust enough to scrub.
is the house on with a real estate agent? If so they may be willing to forward a letter to the owner
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yes it is ,worth a try thankyou x
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thanks old Geezer not so worried about the path but if we pick the paint off it may mark the door x

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