I have persuaded my neighbours to sell me a piece of garden (theirs is huge, mine tiny), and they want to find out 'proper' land value from estate agents etc.
Does anyone have experience of this? My house is a 4 bed semi in a desirable area of merseyside, value approx �210K, and the piece of land is about 6m x 4m. Thanks.
Land that is to be used as a garden is not as valuable as land that can be built on. I think a good guide is how much will the extra land add to the value of your property
We purchased 50ft of land behind us last year for �1000! We thought that was very good until every other person in the street did the same thing from the landowner for just �700. Life's not fair!
Amenity land used for grazing sells at about �10k per acre. This is about one fortieth of an acre, so �250 would be an average market price. But critically, the price of land sells at whatever someone is prepared to pay for it and land valuers will try and estimate the potential extra value your house might be worth if it had a bigger garden - probably a couple of thousand if its really tiny at present. You'll have to factor in the costs of solicitors to transfer it.