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Gps Sd Card

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jazz76 | 20:45 Thu 04th Apr 2019 | Technology
2 Answers
I’m looking to get a GPS enabled SD card for my Nikon D3200 - I know Eye-Fi used to do one, but I’m unsure if they still do.
Any alternatives?
Thanks in advance


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If you're referring to a WiFi-enabled SD card, see here:

However any SD, SDHC or SDXC card can be used to record data from a D3200, including geo-tagging data.
Yep. ‘The D3200 is compatible with GP-1 GPS Unit that is able to embed location information on an image. Latitude, longitude and altitude of a shooting location are recorded as Exif data. Images with location information can be displayed on a GeoTag workspace of ViewNX 2 (supplied with the D3200). What's more, Nikon's image sharing and storage website my Picturetown, online image sharing services and commercially available digital mapping software are all there to enhance your photographic enjoyment.’

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