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Bernie | 17:58 Thu 11th Apr 2019 | Crosswords
14 Answers
Many thanks


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Heretic? Sceptic?
Question Author
I may be wrong with some answers
8d Set at odds. I have estranges(or estranged)
12d. Redolent(9) I have evocative. Hence the "i"
20d Be off (4)i had Scat.
All these are linked in
What letters are you sure of in 12d?
Question Author
12a.. Twisted (I put in tweaked. May be wrong in that.
12d ??o?a???e
If 12a is twisted, 12d must begin with t?
^sorry, tweaked
or twisted starts with e if evocative is right
12 tangled?
Question Author
Sorry my mistake.
11a. Clue given twisted(7) I have tweaked in. So 12d starts with "e" if I am right. I feel like giving up on it at this stage but thanks for your patience.
Not seeing it, so hard without the grid in front of you.
What letters are you sure of for 11a, Bernie?
Possibly ERISTIC - 'given to controversy'?
which paper or magazine is this from?

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