I recently bought a tree from home bargains- I have planted in a pot in my conservatory and it seemed to be doing ok. Now though the leaves and shoots have all died off but the shoots at the bottom near the soil seem to be ok. Is this just a glitch and will it be ok for next year or is it a goner?
Many thanks for any replies
I don't know much about cherry trees but with all the sunny days we have been getting my conservatory has been boiling in the day - is it not too hot for a cherry tree?
Iam thinking that your tree was a grafted one (choice variety top grafted onto a different base) and the graft has died. can you see a bump anywhere between the live bit and the dead but? scratch just above the bump and see if there is green under the bark. if it is, then trim off the dead stuff andd hope. In my garden its a bad year for fungal and bacterial bugs on fruit trees but mine are more established and therefore more able to fight back.
I wondered about a graft breaking down too.
Question for woofgang, or anyone else who knows, do the roots and the ‘top bit’ come from the same species in this instance?
Thank you
Sorry to interrupt Ric
broadly speaking yes....I don't think you can graft a cherry onto an apple rootstock....but its very broad....my ornamental flowering apricot was grafted onto a cherry plum rootstock.
I bought it from home bargains and it was wrapped up in plastic bags. I made a few holes in the bags and popped it in a bucket of water for a couple of days then planted it in the large pot
I will try to change my avatar to a picture of what I think is the joint
No expert, but from that last statement it seems to me probable that when soaking in water it could cope with a glasshouse conservatory, but faded when simply in dirt. Keep your gingers crossed, put outside, water appropriately