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Bliss Today Is ..........

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SparklyKid | 08:35 Mon 22nd Apr 2019 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Painting the front steps.


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I remember my mum with a tub of Cardinal Red and a paintbrush, many years ago. She painted the front step with alarming regularity, and swept the path practically every day. You don't see any one do that anymore.
the housewives used to scrub their front steps sixty years ago where i lived. It puzzled me as a child why they bothered and still does
Anyone remember Donkey Stones?
Still have some .

/// Still have some . ///

Not very often you scrub your steps then? :0)
AOG, I didn’t think you would make me lol ;*)
Better than that love, I got rid of the steps.
Oh I recall donkey stones, heaven help any woman whose front step wasn't newly donkey stoned!
My bliss so far has been going round gouging out the dandelions by their roots! It's little things that make me happy, I also found some ground elder to attack.
I was supposed to clean the brass on the front door every week - I hated doing it as I always seemed to get more on the door than on the brass.
Watching The Clarets gain a well deserved 2-2 away draw against Eden Hazard. Excellent result and one which ought to see us playing PL football next season.
Didn’t they used to red lead them? ‘‘Twas a fad from ye olden days of yore.
Don't forget black-leading the grate!
Mother used to get her donkey stones from the rag and bone man.
We had a good chat about that yesterday or Sunday on another thread Caran.

I bought my last lot from a tiny shop in Haworth.
Didn't see that one Mamya.

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