//after the first spoonful, why did you eat the second?//
there is a love on AB of asking supplementaries ( questions later ) which are irrelevant to question
[ you know like: which flavour? or - was the kitchen light on? ]
the bacterium (ickle buggy thing to AB readers) - is lactobacillus bifidus. I think - goes around looking like a 'Y' bifid in ancient forrin. This will exclude on standard Darwiniam principles anything else.
Lots of lactobacillus = not much of anything else
e colly-wobbles. sounds eek! no not a chance.
and as someone says above
we eat stink cheese ! - crawling with god nose what
if you have gut rot - eating live yogurt ( not flavoured ) is quite a good way of out populating the bug. Used a lot in France, less here
I tend to use it when people are ill as it is so bland
and most people can swallow