Hello. The sun has gone in so time to seek clarification.
I hope you have all had as good a time over Easter as I have. SWMBO has been brilliant. She entertained (with support from His Nibs and me) the many singles that she knows. It mad for a great Easter lunch. And His Nibs has been, well, His Nibs. The sun shone. I can't imagine life being better. Lucky me!
I managed to finish the crossie but, tbh, some answers were because they fitted rather than me being confident that they were the answer.
35ac Litter in saloon for American president. "Sedan chair " fits and that could be the litter. But American president?
53 ac Moving to Fair Isle, fixing sort of gate with even more reason. "A fortiori" fits and that could be "reason" but I don't get the rest.
55 ac Shyster , one who gives you a hand on horse. "Wheeler dealer" fits and is a shyster but ..
56 ac Drink with students going over grim experience. "Sundowner" fits and I know (or so I am told) that it is a drink.
I'd better stop there and hope for my tutorial
I did ask but she said "no" . Fair enough. She had already bought a second one in addition to our long standing one. Ah well! It was worth a go. I shall have to continue asking all you kind people for your tuition. Probably for the best.