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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:41 Sat 27th Apr 2019 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Saturday. Sorry for the late start. The Wee White Tornado is in residence and wanted to go out the back about every half hour, so I didn't get s lot of sleep , she is now curled up on the bed soundo!
Well the storm has arrived, it's making it's presence known.
Don't think I'll be doing as lot today!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Very breezy here but it has been worse. Has devastated the blossom on the cherry trees and they were looking so beautiful.
Oh, and Mrs Arrods is gutted. Found out she had been allocated Wimbledon seats in the ballot, but the deadline had passed. Our fault for not getting anyone to check the post. :-(
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Morning togo. All well mate?
morning DT xx
No Fishing yet Minty. The plan was to have a day next week but that looks unlikely. Have visited and had a look around. Last week the water levels looked a bit low after the dry spell...…..they won't be now.
Yes Ta Boaty. All good. Just had a quick look around and there appears to be no harm done to the planting up we did. I did move a lot into sheltered spots mind and put the patio furniture back in the garage. Haha, the great British weather. Gotta get my car in this morning for the annual once over and M.O.T.
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Morning DT. Yep, were'r going to cop it right enough!
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My garden furniture is still in the moment! I'll check the weather report and stow mine away if it looks like a good idea!
it's not too bad down here at the moment, not the biggest storm around.
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A bit breezy here, if it stays like this I'll be happy.
sun peeping oot here !!
Time to go and do things domestic. Stay safe everyone.
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Enjoy it while you may minty. Still wall to wall grey here, and I don't think it's going to change!
bye Lady xx

as long as it stays dry till I have finished potting shrubs !!
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Have a happy day LJ. Lovely to see you. xxx
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Spammers are keeping me busy this morning!

Coo! the sun is peeping though the clouds, but I don't think it will stay for long!

Nope. Gone! :o{
Mornin' all.

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I'm going to take WWT walkies before I do the running around and the rain arrives.

Have a happy day everyone.
Morning All got the tail end of hurricane here this morning pushing trees all over the place. What was its name Hanna?
Boaty I was about to report a couple, but you shooting from hip already, got your eye in lol?

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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