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Dad Update

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Rockrose | 04:11 Fri 26th Apr 2019 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Spoke to dad last night and I’m shocked at how feeble he sounds.
Also, he appears to have undergone a personality change, there is no longer a filter there and he pretty much says what he wants about anyone.
My gentle father has turned into a teenager, my poor stepmother.


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If your dad has to stay in hospital till the shower is done can your stepmom contact Macmillan or Marie Curie for practical advice. It would be sad if he could not come home sooner

When my dad was ill he was on morphine, not sure of the dose, but it often left him confused. x
I would seriously consider telling your siblings, perhaps telling Dad before I did so that I was going to.
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Hopkirk none of them bothered with him when it became apparent there were not getting anything after my mother’s death and my fathers marriage so on this occasion I will follow his wishes.
They are being assessed today so we will find out hopefully what the story is with being released
You, your Dad and your Stepmum are going through enough pain without the additional stress of estranged family and their opinion.

Do as he wishes, and look after each other, and yourself RR, take care.

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