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Beltane Blessings / Happy May Day...

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Calicogirl | 09:18 Wed 01st May 2019 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Beltane Blessings to you all or a Happy Mayday (whichever you celebrate), may the coming of summer give you all you wish for x


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Calico that is totally incorrect information.

Seasons are based on Astronomy and Meteorology not Pagan Festivals.

Normally I would not be this persnickety but as its a Q&A site the information should be correct.
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I have deliberately stated we are talking about Pagan Festivals, so sorry YOU are wrong in relation to the thread, but if you'd be so kind take yourself off, this was a warm wishes thread til you and Spath got involved ruining it as you do every other thread you're involved in, and careful your 'May' is showing :/
My comments haven't ruined anything, the response to them, maybe.

My initial mention of summer was in response to JNOs august joke.

I’ve not been rude, offensive or dismissive
"May Day " falling on" Labour Day ". not a good Omen
Thank you.
Thank you Calicogirl, I'm rather partial to a warm wish - it's never a bad time to receive one, like a good cup of tea. (Not actually too keen on summer, mind you, but heigh-ho...)

I send the same to you & yours, and to everyone looking forward to summer :-)

Nips off to look for a spell to hack a keyboard from afar...

。o°✥✤✣ Blessings to all ✣✤✥°o。

Calicogirl,I'm sorry if I've caused you distress but one can only answer the written word not the thought behind it . You wrote:

//Season wise it's this:-
Samhain (Eve of ~1 November)- Beginning of Winter
Imbolc (~1 February)- Beginning of Spring
Beltane (~1 May)- Beginning of Summer
Lughnasadh (~1 August)- Beginning of Autumn //

You referred to Seasons, not Festivals.
However, I now realise I seem to have wandered into some sort of chatroom rather than the Q&A site, so my apologies and I wish you Happy Mayday/Beltain
Thanks Cal, and the same to you.

I played at a Beltane wedding once. Great fun, lots of jumping over broomsticks ;o)
Some folk will argue over anything.
You all need a good belt...ane !
Hooray, hooray, it's the first of May;
Outdoor ******* starts today!
White rabbits !
Yes indeed, have a firey wild night! Blessed be.
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'tis the season of summer frolicking :) x
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