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aelmpvw | 06:01 Thu 02nd May 2019 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
one of these days all the latest posts will be spam, there are a lot of sad folk around ...



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I've never clicked on one but the constant 'keto' poster is amazingly dogged, keeps on trying :-)
And keeps getting zapped.
Most days these spam posts are the only interesting things on here,lol.
I like the free movie spammer, i try to get free movies but someone zaps it before i get the opportunity ;)
dat a gloss on Andy Warhol innit?

soon every post will be spam for fifteen minutes ....

and some of them make more sense than the average post on AB - ter daaah !
Certainly more sense than any of yours PP.
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well the erectile dysfunction spam isn't going to get a rise out of me
It works though, even if indirectly - because people create threads about it :-)
I believe that some of these repetitive scam posts are computer generated. No real person at the other end.

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