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Hedgehog Picture (If It Works)

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sherrardk | 21:39 Thu 02nd May 2019 | ChatterBank
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stuff the grumpy git lol
I don't know about Hostas (?) I think that's closer to the name I was trying to think about !! x

Tuvok, hope it's an easy thing to do, looking forward to seeing them :-D
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No, I sent it back (it was pants). I crouch outside like some kind of nutter - 1.45 I went to bed last night because a hedgehog was in the feeder and I wanted to see which one it was (my eyes feel like they’re melting tonight).
Awwww! I love Hedgies :) x
the whooshing sound you hear is Pete Doherty heading for the hills
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Calico - they’re my absolute favourite (after the cat), but I must learn not to stay up till stupid o’clock to make sure whoever is eating is ok. I’m also wondering how many there are visiting, I’ve seen five different ones when I’ve been in the garden but what about the ones I haven’t seen (the gardens like some hedgehog highway - does explain the state of the grass though).
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Jno, just got your reference :)
Here's my videos - they wouldn't upload last night!
Good pic, you're so lucky to have hedgehogs, as they are becoming scarcer. I think it's National Hedgehog Week next week, heard it on the radio.

Tuvok - I couldn't play those videos.
Will try again, but not tonight - I'm outin about half an hour, so got to go put out their food early!

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