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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:27 Sat 04th May 2019 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Saturday. Wall to wall cloud again. A bi nippy outside too. Snowflake still sound asleep. She goes home tomorrow morning. I'll miss her.
Some running around to do today, including the farmers market in Stroud. so I'll make sure she gets a good walk first.

Have a happy day everyone.


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will be avoiding all talk of vegan ethics DT...dinnae get me started..the pair of them are the most unhealthy skinny folk..always ill.....
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Proves the point minty!
Can I tell you a vegan joke? I promise it won't be cheesy.

One for the vegans perhaps - The quickest way to become a nutritionist? Talk to a vegan. Suddenly everyone becomes an expert on food when they meet a vegan.
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Not far off the truth DT!
One of my sister's friends is all but vegan and always under the weather/ill - she'll eat fish but it has to be line caught...she doesn't half carp on about it.
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How does e know if it's line caught? And what odds does it make anyway?
my point exactly.....the poor b--ger is on a hook whatever - or trapped in a net.
Morning all. Looks like the bank holiday effect today.
well the strimmer may just come out here...Kim Can Mow did his stuff yesterday as to the grass.
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DT @ 0654

Well said!
morning Douglas xx
morning did you run into the white stuff yesterday?

put my poppy in a pot with some others on patio !
I did indeed DTC, only for the highest part but it kept us honest for a while.
Wall to wall sunshine here this morning though. :-)
well I better be shifting, chores to be done as well as shopping....have a good one, all
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Time to make a move and get this wee tyke walked before I go shoplifting.

Have a happy day everyone.
bye DT xx Bye Boaty xx
Morning all. Another warm sunny day here by the looks of things so far.

Minty - Your vegan thingy is very amusing.

Is there a vegan restaurant/bistro/café near you? If so go there and then don't put up with all the faff yourself. I have sympathy with food allergies and with the humane care and treatment of animals but vegan . . . . . . . . no milk, no eggs, nothing related to dairy . . . . .oh dear.

One for DT : I'm vegetarian/vegan not because I love animals but because I hate plants. (I'll get me coat)

I read this thread every morning... it passes the time :) But your ignorance amazes me!

Damn vegans and their peaceful cruelty free ways!!!!

watch this then reply... please x

Oh and I don't want to know about your brothers wife uncle who runs a cruelty free farm where they love their stock until they slit it's throat for your 30 seconds of pleasure on your knife :)

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