Whats happened to AB? Ive only been away a few days and its anarchy in here. Who are all these greenies? Will the real raysparx please stand up. Im not good a dealing with change "sob wail" will all genuine Abers make themselves known Im very confused ! :O(
Enjoy it whiffey, I have got Nigel kennedy, superb, and a 6 bottles of stella chilling in the fridge,I just hope the chimp has gone to bed,really rude about Lonnies daughter,and she is disabled,makes me sick,oh well takes all sorts,typical monkey eh !!! off to listen to final part bye now !!
Pink,send me an e-mail,then I can reply,Monkeys Cobra,I got a phobia about Monkeys, fine in the wild or the zoo,but once rhey start spinning and playing tennis or thinking they are Funky, they need destroying, don't they Cobra,and we are the boys to do it !!!!