Early days of computing. Creating a macro. Where you would make a formula or something available by just typing one symbol.
It made me think when looking for crossword clues where you would type in The clue followed by crossword clue.
Is it possible to create a. Macro on an iPad to mean crossword clue?
I'm no expert, Caran, but macros are still used today, largely to automate a series of tasks in spreadsheets.
You mention the early days of computing. I guess you're referring to creating batch files under the Command prompt in DOS. It was a good way of getting things done before the advent of graphical interfaces such as Windows.
I imagine that, unless you're a supergeek, the way to do something like that on a tablet is to write an App.
Not for the faint-hearted though.
I am definitely faint hearted!
I can't for the life of me remember how to do it but it can't have been too complicated because I am really not a computer freak.
However you can save yourself four keystrokes anyway, as the word 'clue' is redundant in your search string. (You'll get exactly the same results by just using 'crossword')