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Weight Loss

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Quitabeat | 04:40 Tue 14th May 2019 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
I have been a very petite person all my life. I have 4 children and the youngest is 3. My husband feels that I’m loosing too much weight after having the kids. I’m 5’1 in height. I weigh 108. Is this ok to weigh what I did before my first child? I have a very high metabolism. Working 12 hours a day and I burn off a lot of calories. I know I don’t eat enough. No other health issues or concerns. I have all my energy.


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My Mum is only 5'3 and she used to weigh 110lbs and was always full of energy and perfectly healthy. If you feel well and you don't think it's an unusual amount of weight loss yourself I really wouldn't worry x
07:19 Tue 14th May 2019
That looks OK to me.
-- answer removed --
Being 108kg is definitely overweight.
KARL, guessing this lady is in the US and its 108 lbs

Input your details in the drop down chart - it'll tell you that your BMI index is 20.4 (normal).

Also, the chart below this gives the weight range for someone your height 100 - 131 lb .... so you're in the "normal" weight range, but approaching the lower limit.
My Mum is only 5'3 and she used to weigh 110lbs and was always full of energy and perfectly healthy. If you feel well and you don't think it's an unusual amount of weight loss yourself I really wouldn't worry x
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