For a week or more I was passing very dark orange/almost brown urine towards the end of the day. Realising that I hadn't peed much either during the day I was concerned. Then I decided perhaps not taking enough fluids so increased these and yes the colour is ok now. Just wondering whether by increasing the fluids and changing the colour I'm covering up something more worrying that my body was trying to tell me. I have no other symptoms.
10cs, you must be getting water from somewhere or you wouldn’t be alive. Even if you get your fluid through fruit,veg, wine, beer or anything else, you’re still getting it with whatever stuff it’s passed through.
Each to his own. CJ, I don't drink water from bottles or the tap. I thought I'd made that clear. Most of the water I consume is in those products that you mention. You are correct. How else would I consume it?
I very rarely drink alcohol, either. I won't say never, but very rarely. And never ever wine. I just can't handle wine, even in small amounts. Half a glass and I've gone. Seriously. I don't know why, but it gets right into my bones. Rapid! Hic!!
Dark pee can indicate that you are dehydrated. I know if mine is that colour, Im not drinking enough. If the colour changed once you started drinking more and is now OK, then I would not be too concerned.
>>> don't you have to get up to pee at least once during the night?
I haven't had a pee for 4 months, GG! (There are certain advantages to having a catheter fitted - but I'll still be glad to get rid of the ruddy thing after I've had my prostate op!)