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3 Pin Plug...

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janzman | 15:24 Tue 21st May 2019 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
.....Just had to replace the fuse in the plug on the kettle, and I thought when was the last time a fuse blew and I reckon it must be years ago. What about you, when was the last time a fuse needed replacing in your house?


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Booger, wrong category. Can you move it to CB please Ed.
All houses should have a consumer unit (fuseboard) with trip switches, these days. If not, you probably need a re-wire.
I have moved this thread into the category "ChatterBank".
I'm just about to blow one, any minute now...
Replaced one in garage just before we left. (He said, contradicting himself).
It wasn't in my house, but the last time I hired disco equipment, I set it all up in the afternoon, tested it, and it was fine.

When I switched it on in the evening for the event, a fuse blew, and there was no replacement, I had to abandon the disco and apologise to all the guests.

I have never hired gear again - I bought my own, and I carry spares!!!
Blimey couldn't you just have nicked one out of the kettle andy instead of abandoning the whole gig?
Never !
I am no sparks,as such, but I am guess the RCB's that are replacing the old fuse boards may have something to do with it. I had a total re-wire in my house about 20 years ago which included a replacement RCB. Although some circuits,mainly lighting, have tripped I have never had a blown fuse since the RCB was installed.
Not had a fuse blown for ages, occasionally a trip in fuse box, normally when a light decides to give up.
yeah you need a trip thingey instead of a fuse box

( change in the law apparently )

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