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How Much???

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sherrardk | 12:33 Wed 05th Jun 2019 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I saw a deal on Facebook for personal sized pizzas for £1 from a nationwide chain. Anyway, went and got one for everyone (to the annoyance of the man serving us) and they were petite to say the least but normally they cost £6! They’re tiny, the mark-up must be huge on them.


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I find it quite frightening when you buy a portion of food, when you read it the instructions say it can feed 4-6 people and you could easily eat it yourself!
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I buy a birthday tray bake that says ‘serves 15’, my kids eat it in one go (these pizzas are tiny though).
Lol I bought a ready meal recently for Mr Rose to feed him for 2 days whilst I was visiting dad - he phoned me on the 2nd night and said whats for dinner - he was aghast when I told him leftovers - he said 'what leftovers'!!
"it can feed 4-6 people and you could easily eat it yourself! "

Yes i find that happens quite often. You think, who on earth actually SHARES a chocolate triffel with 7 other spooners,
the pizzas that are made to your preference are very substantial in Asda. Very good value.
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I get them occasionally JJ, but this was a special offer only available today (the fact that I had to get some micro chips to go with them kind of took the shine off things).

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