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Return Banquet At Winfield House

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retrocop | 22:11 Tue 04th Jun 2019 | News
31 Answers
Most unusual for Her Majesty not to attend the return banquet of the her Government's guest.
I guess at her age she has a right to bow out of all the ceremonials.After all she knows the interior of Winfield House better than President Trump.

No Corbyn of Khan on the guest list I note. lol.


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"When the sirens went off Joe Kennedy was out the door and into his basemeny shelter faster than Leroy on a rocket."
Isn't that what one was supposed to do?
Plastic or not, I think she's lovely. She's elegant and she conducts herself with dignity.
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i wonder what first attracted her to billionaire donald trump?
Indeed 1ozzy - and plays it very well.
I've seen footage of her when she's on her own and it's like a different person.
I get the impression she just wants to be free of it all so she can relax.
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//some social history there

Kennedy wasnt an appeasnick //
I beg to differ. Kennedy was reporting that Britain would be obliterated by the Germans and it was better to make friends with the Fuhrer. He was spreading alarm and despondency among the British populace ,especially Londoners, as he said London would be bombed to oblivion first. I believe he was a buddy of Halifax who had similar thoughts.
My father lived in those times and he should know. He hated J. Kennedy and had little time for the rest of them.
Did you know Jack Kennedy should of been courtmartialled for negligently losing his PT Boat but due to Dad's influence and corruptness his son suddenly became a hero.

I haven't seen Melania actually look at her husband for the whole trip. Am I the only one to notice that?
Not so much as a wink either Ladybirder!
Jordyboy9// Dear Sandra, I know that I am taking a liberty calling you Sandra on a Wednesday,just to say that it’s time to get back on th the thinking of Mikey post,some are going over the top,for example. His goodness shone through in his words,dearie me//

Sarcasm, surely, Jordy.
lb, I don't think they are happily married. (Probably the under statement of the decade) !

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