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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:16 Wed 12th Jun 2019 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
Wednesday. It's been raining for most of the last 24 hours. It's the summer that never was. Having said that, I hope it's dry and warm on Friday for the hospice summer walk. It'll be a shame if it has to be called off.

I've no idea what will occur today, I'll have to wait and see.

Have a happy day everyone.


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I liked the monkey head stick repaired on last night's show
didn't see yesterday's (or any this week) - had to go to the hossie to pick up this friend who was admitted overnight with a nigh-on 3 hour nose bleed - they cauterized it. However, it seems that they haven't got her Warfarin level right as she's been taking two of those needle supplementaries and then the senior nurse came out and said she should only be on one a day.....Ran the friend back to her place in Falmouth.
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I liked that too. They do some amazing things. They are not too fare from me.
Eek...not good...nose bleeds can be a warning
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Well done DT.
She was in for a week a couple of weeks back with blood clots on the lungs, minty.....when I was away on my last beano.
Right to action - I need to be moving - so have a good one all....
Bye DT xx
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Have a good'un DT.
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Wonders will never cease, it's stopped raining!
Still peeing doon here ,and very dark
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The sky is still uniform grey, so I'm not expecting anything resembling summer!
Need Sun for plants !
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I'm going to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone.
Bye Boaty xx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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