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GK Fanatic | 11:37 Mon 07th Aug 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
I always try to get my crosswords sent off quickly as I'm never sure whether all entries are kept until the closing date and then picked or if the first correct entry is picked as the envelopes arrive. That sounds garbled but I know what I mean ?????


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I can't imagine that one envelope would arrive as with the number of entries sackfuls, all competitions state that a draw is made from entries sent in, and it may be a better chance to send so arrive by entry date but be nearer the top of the sack to be picked if you follow my logic. its all luck.
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I just think if I was in that office I'd start opening them as they come looking for the first correct entry and then ditch the rest. Perhaps I'm too cynical ?? Thanks for taking the trouble to answer my wierd question !!
Don't worry, I think they keep them all together and then pick one after the cut-off point. I won the Sunday Times cryptic at the beginning of the year (Cross fountain pen) and I remember I didn't post the entry till the Friday - one day before the last acceptable posting date!
Am I the only cynic who believes that post-code figures in the demographic/geopolitical mix too?
I think they keep them till closing date then just pick out one by one until they come to the first correct answer. I'm sure they don't open them all!

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