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The Force Essex

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teacake44 | 10:15 Fri 05th Jul 2019 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
So again a boat load of arrests in last nights program, only for all charges to be dropped, in every case the next morning, all but one. Is it a case of the officers doing the interviewing the next morning find it more easy to drop the case to save them the paperwork, and have an easy shift? because all the arrests made, had in most cases video evidence of the crimes.
Its mad for a complete shift of officers chasing about in high powered cars all night, for a no result.


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makes you wonder why they bother stopping them doesn't it?
No TV mileage in watch Gazza and Lazza doing paperwork. Blue lights, sirens and tyre smoke sells advertising time.
It's reality TV, not a documentary critiquing the justice system.
Our heros will know what will make it to court and stand a chance of going forward so really they're saving us all loads of money and wasted time.

Oh, and it's cheap to make.
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That's about all TV is now, an advertising box. How are they saving us money (d9401) spending a 10 hour shift arresting someone who's going to have all charges dropped the next morning?
// It's reality TV, not a documentary critiquing the justice system.//

I took a knife off a man in the street and he was arrested - long bit about whether the knife was mine etc witnesses clearly said no it wasnt- and when we did the follow up call
no record of incident or arrest
we thought he had been de-arrested around the corner and chucked out of the police car
1990 - I wrote to my judoka and said his knee-ha I have killer hands techniques worked .....

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The Force Essex

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