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The Archers

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Mexican18 | 15:48 Sun 07th Jul 2019 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
I feel sorry for Jim but they should be careful of not getting like EastEnders and try to make a social comment. It's supposed to be entertaining!


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It used to be called An Everyday Story of Country Folk, but that has been quietly removed.
Apparently when The Archers first started it was propaganda. It was used to try to influence farmers methods.
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That sounds a bit like fake news to me! Who has told you?
Hopkirk's post appears to be based on a line in the Wikipedia entry on The Archers. The entry says: [The Archers was...] partly established with the aim towards educating farmers following World War 2.
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I t didn't work.Brians burried chemicals and Eds hiding them in his barn.
It was definitely introduced to give farmers information.
Cut and paste from the official fan website.

When The Archers first began, the aim behind the show was to spread information to farmers on how they could increase their productivity following the rationing and food shortages that were taking place at the time. It revolved around the lives of three farmers. There was Dan Archer who managed to be productive, yet he had very little money. There was Walter Gabriel who also had little money but was unable to practice efficient farming with what he had. Lastly, there was George Fairbrother who farmed with the aim of making a loss. In this way, he ended up paying little taxes, a scheme that many people used in those days.

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