I wanted Bobbisox back because I've never used the one I have ( mystery) but for that I'd need another email address and I still wouldn't get it anyway, Bobbles is better than Bobbs202 , still what's in a name huh?
I'm still hearing My Sharona tho, haha
I know the bold Frank asked about sandwiches but if I could broaden it out a little, the pies sold at Cowdenbeath Racewall of a Sunday afternoon at t'stockcar racing were a marvel of science.
Tasty but free from any discernable food value. Well it was the eighties.
Lunchtime today ..lightly toasted pitta .. with radish, welsh onion, courgette, lettuce, tomato, red onion, carrot, and pak choi, all finely sliced .. all picked from the allotment an hour before.
Plus a handfull of crisps and a drizzle of sweet chilli sauce ... and a bottle of Waggle Dance !
Man alive .. does it get any better ?
Actually it did .. I wont get anyone drooling by adding tonights dinner !