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A Weather Question

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bobbs202 | 13:18 Sat 13th Jul 2019 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
What's yours like ?we've got quite heavy but fine rain here


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What does alt167 mean Balders?

Oops, ^^^ Fat finger syndrome
Overcast, very slight breeze and 26 degrees

Bobbs, it means I hit the wrong Button :o(
Question Author
Haha,sausage finger syndrome ?

That's the one,
Sleet happens!
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Don't ya just lurve predictive text haha
All quiet on the southern front right now. Just checking the weather in New Orleans: 27 degrees, humidity 81%, wind S at 32km/h. Let's hope they don't get hit too hard. Bourbon St. quite deserted right now.
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We're very lucky really having seen that sanmac
dry, cloudy and still very muggy. We are desperate for some rain, we havent had any for weeks and my water butt is still bone dry.
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We've had rain off and on all day georgiesmum,still warm but it's that fine rain that soaks you

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