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Does Hardship Make A Person Stronger?

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banker_frank | 09:25 Mon 15th Jul 2019 | ChatterBank
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If so, under what conditions and at what point is it too much hardship? If not, what makes a person stronger?


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Everyone is different so really hard to say.

What kind of hardship do you have in mind? Money, health etc?
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Any hardship, health, bad parenting, loss of wealth.....
It's subjective.

Sometimes it can be too much for people, resulting in them taking their own life.

Sometimes it can make people stronger in life.
Depends on the person. What one claoms was the making of them, others just collapse under the pressure.
Adversity does make people stronger as it builds your personality. We all have life plans but they always need tweaking when things dont go according to plan. If you keep a positive attitude and do the best you can it makes life very much easier. Many people, by their own lifestyle choices, dont get that and they seem to be the ones complaining the most.
But there is also so much that can happen in life that is completely out of our control.
Some people hated doing their National Sevice to the extent they took their own lives.
Others loved every minute of it, said it was the making of them and signed on as regulars.
It depends how strong or weak an individual is in their own minds I suppose.
Personally I take every hardship as a challenge (health wise) and face it and beat it. With the assistance of some very skilled and dedicated medical staff of course.
What about mental and/or emotional challenges?
"It depends how strong or weak an individual is in their own minds I suppose. "

I take objection to the mind being simplified like that.

It's not as simple as having a strong or weak mind.
Hardship, makes most people more appreciative.
It's a movable feast - it depends on the individual, and the hardship - each is different and unique.
I think all you can say is that it depends on the person. Until you have been them which is impossible, you can’t and shouldn’t judge, and especially shouldn’t talk about strong and weak minds
retrocop - // It depends how strong or weak an individual is in their own minds I suppose. //

Something of an oversimplification I think.

If you say so.
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It could depend on the individual and the particular hardship. Personally I could overcome monetary loss and it would make me more determined to work harder and not make the mistakes that resulted in the loss in the first place. However, some people have committed suicide because of financial loss.
Some things I would find harder to overcome, such as the loss of a child. I doubt this would make me stronger. Emotional loss is much harder than material loss
In life you either sink or swim but that depends entirely of the capacity to do so
Almost impossible to generalise, much of what has happened to me in my life has made me more resilient whilst a few things have almost broken my spirit completely.
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bobbs I don't agree. People are not total sinkers or swimmers, it depends partly on their natures and the problem in hand. Some things are easier to bounce back from if you have a positive attitude, others can challenge even the cheeriest of folks.
And I agree with you there,but there's a huge variation of stuff ,call it a scale if you like, a scale where ,for example you 'fall out' with a friend,this isn't comparable to say a death of a close friend or family member, personally I'd pull on every last ounce of strength I have but some people can't do that

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