Toast Toppers? in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Toast Toppers?

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banker_frank | 09:07 Thu 18th Jul 2019 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Favorite toast toppers?

Peanut butter & Grape jelly (bramble when in the UK)
Melted cheese and Franks hot sauce
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https://www.google.co.uk/search?biw=1024&bih=672&ei=yjswXbCPDdOS8gK7k4LICw&q=heinz+toast+toppers+&oq=heinz+toast+toppers+&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-serp.3..41j0l8.12304.13175..15531...0.0..0.156.446.2j2......0....1.........0i71j33i21.lA-PWg-1dJs#imgrc=3s2xjAfSwsKrUM: A blast from the past,...
09:31 Thu 18th Jul 2019
Melted cheese plus anchovys in olive oil or cheese and Gentlemen's relish.
Used to be melted cheese with a slice of grilled bacon,half a grilled tomato and a poached egg to top.
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I once tried some duck pate on toast with orange marmalade. It was surprisingly nice.
peanut butter
Poached egg
Cheesy beans
Strong melted cheddar, spread with marmite
1.Fried Soft roe (milts)
2.Tomato pilchards
3.Avocado & smoked salmon
Cheese and cayenne pepper.
Peanut butter, sliced banana and honey. Food of the Gods!!

If I fancied savoury it would be bacon, brie and caramelised onion chutney, folded over into a sandwich :-)
I've just found a tin of herrings in tomato sauce in the cupboard. They're going on toast in the morning :-)
We quite often have toast for breakfast with a real assortment of toppers on the table.
Coronation chicken, tuna, and sweetcorn mayo, egg mayo, at least 3 cheeses and marmalade. It's our favourited breakfast.
Mature cheddar cheese and brown sauce.

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