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No Longer Fit For Purpose?

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choux | 21:20 Fri 26th Jul 2019 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
If applied here, would the guidance issued to his staff by Jacob Rees-Mogg rule you out of posting?


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If I'm addressing an envelope to a mature man as a mark of respect. Also as someone who works in an organisation that survives on email and written processes I see staff, some very senior, put commas after and, spaces before commas and full stops, apostrophes on plurals - rafts of grammatical errors that I gather only matter if you're an old dinosaur..
IMO he has some of it right, some of it wrong.
//I can't complain aboutI can't complain about him calling a son Sixtus when I've found a Septimus in my ancestry search//

He has several called Spurius, does he not?
//He wants to see double spaces after a full stop. //

So ? and what about the Oxford comma before 'and' ?

These are, quite rightly, serious guerrilla tactics to bamboozle Brussels.
//...I see staff, some very senior, put commas after and, spaces before commas and full stops, apostrophes on plurals - rafts of grammatical errors that I gather only matter if you're an old dinosaur.//

Not sure whether Prudie comes to bury Jacob or to praise him.

But I do note that a frequent criticism of the new PM is that he "doesn't attend to detail".

If that's a defect, then knowing how your language, which is the means by which we try to convey meaning and contest ideas among ourselves, is currently used ought to be a useful asset, don't you agree?

PS: I'm possibly only one of two contributors to this thread who have read Partridge. Sadly it's only Pet who can remember any of it.
The guy is so far up his own rectum, it would require the most experienced search and Rescue team to locate him.
What possible use could a politician have for clear, unambiguous language?

Jacob's 'avin a giraffe.

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