A uncle of mine used to carry in his pocket some very large, very white and also very hot mints - not sure who made them, possibly Trebor, but they were called Extra Strong Mints - and they could blow your head off !!
Victory Vs don't taste of mints or licorice (although there may be licorice in them): they have a curious antiseptic taste like nothing else. I used to love them when I was a kid, but you can't seem to get them any more.
Hot is rather a strange expresion but something I have always said when refering to mints. For best results eat 4 or 5 fishermans friends and then a pint of ice cold water.
maxi - Victory V's used to contain chloroform and ether in the 1980's which gave them their distinctive taste but now these ingredients have been banned so they don't taste anything like as good :) !