Many thanks to all who entered our "Bathroom" quiz, which raised £136 for our funds. 109 sheets were returned of which 80 were all correct. Ian Law of Chatteris was drawn as the winner of the £10 token. New quiz out now "Did You Hear It/", price £1, £10 prize voucher for first all correct entry drawn after closing date of 30 September. Copies obtainable from J. Oakey 58 Westbourne Road Chatteris Cambs PE16 6HQ, please enclose sae & cheque payable to Chatteris Community Group. All support much appreciated.
Yes, I'm not sure it's a sound related answer Margo- nor am I sure T is an abbreviation for turns.
I was looking for an anagram of INTURNS plus something like d (penny) or another old measure (F- Fahrenheit?)
Sorry yes a quiz, rather confusing as not all are noisy, think request will be ok. Not always heard but .....
I was working on old measures, eg. oz, mile, yard, lb etc but no result yet. Driving me mad, I have another answer=rumour, don't know if right. Certainly cannot be described as noisy, unlike a trumpet. Help please
Pity it wasn't 9 letters because 'challenge' would fit the wordplay ('old measure' = ELL 'turns' inside 'alter' = CHANGE).
And there are various meanings that fit with the theme - the baying call of hunting hounds or the challenge ''who goes there'' from a sentry etc.
Still a bit of a stretch though.