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Are They Worth It

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teacake44 | 16:19 Sat 03rd Aug 2019 | People & Places
24 Answers
Is it really worth the entrance fee they charge for some of these county shows that tend to be on during summer time. In times gone buy, entertainment was the key, dog show, horse trials, sire horse show, cooking shows, no end of kids entertainment, flower displays, Now you just seem to pay to walk round an arena of bog standard trading stands, trying to sell you whatever, along with the saturation of burger vans, chippies, coffee vans. I think the one, and the last one I can say I enjoyed was in north Yorkshire, When on holiday there.


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There aint any austerity. It was invented by the Tories to soften the theft of your dosh! And everyone fell for it. Still do! ;o)
I'm surprised that ummmm's balloon festival (second reply) is free to get in. I'd have thought the prices would be set according to inflation.

(gets coat...)
Where else could one get a piece of wood with their house number burnt into it or an old tyre turned inside out and called a planter?

These shows provide an essential service to homeowners up and down the country.
Lol...Hagen :-)

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